Book Résumés
Book Résumés help teachers, librarians, parents, and community members defend books from censorship. They detail each title’s significance and educational value and are easy to share with administrators, book review committees, elected officials, and board members.
Bookmark this page! Thousands of library books face censorship, so new book résumés are added on a regular basis.
The Freedom Writers Diary
The Getaway
The Gift of Ramadan
The Girls I’ve Been
The Giver
The God of Small Things
The Golden Hour
The Grapes of Wrath
The Great Gatsby
The Great Nijinsky: God of Dance
The Grief Keeper
The Handmaid’s Tale
The Handmaid’s Tale (graphic novel)
The Handsome Girl & Her Beautiful Boy
The Hate U Give
The Haters
The Heart of Betrayal
The Hidden Witch
The Hill We Climb
The Hips on the Drag Queen Go Swish, Swish, Swish
The Hobbit: Or, There and Back Again
The House in the Cerulean Sea
The House of the Spirits
The House on Mango Street
The Unite Against Book Bans campaign is organized by the American Library Association and was launched with the generous support of the Steve & Loree Potash Family Foundation and the William & Flora Hewlett Foundation.
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