Book Résumé

Dayle Campbell Gaetz: She opened it and sprinkled something onto a hand mirror. A pure-white powder. She divided it in half, stuck a short straw up one nostril and snorted the powder. “Cocaine?” I asked. “Yeah, ” she said, “it’s way better than beer. Try some.” She pushed it toward me. “Go on, it won’t hurt you.” I should have said no. But I just stared at that innocent looking white powder and said nothing. Curt seems to have it all – a girlfriend, friends, a good summer job and a guaranteed position on the baseball team with the promise of a professional career. Then, one misstep causes his world to unravel and his life to plummet into the depths of depression and addiction. A bleak yet ultimately hopeful story about one teen’s struggle with the pressures of growing up, fitting in and getting by. (Fiction, Young Adult)
